Thursday, September 1, 2011

Swimming pool of green water - to deal with these 4 simple steps!

Swimming pool of green water - to deal with these 4 simple steps!

Water Filter

Lets face it, it's all green water of the pool at one point or another experience. The main, if this is done is two times. The first is how to treat water as effectively as possible to make it clear once again, as soon as possible. The second element that requires attention is that we want to happen without breaking the bank. If you go to your local dealer, there are more shots, phosphate treatment and settling tanks, as you know what to do with it. Not to mention themany "new" chemicals that are available, which cost an arm and a leg can!

For the treatment of pool water green, there are four important steps that must be addressed. Let's dive in!

The processing of green water of the pool Step # 1: Circulation. The water cycle is an absolute must. You can use all the shock and other chemicals that you want, but if the water is not moving, not the appearance of water. Turning around the pool are the units run 24 / 7For most standard residential pools, this will allow about 3 full turns of water. This means that all the water through the filter is about 3 times gone by.

The processing of green water pool Step # 2: Shock Treatment. Ideally, for a shock because it has the best shot granular reaction time. I would recommend using HTH Super Shock that contains at least 65% available chlorine. Chlorine longer available, the most effective (and faster) will be in the pool.It 'important to emphasize that it is not to shock a pool. Depending on how the green water, I recommend that you start with 3-4 pounds of shock, wait 2-3 hours, then check to see what looks like water. There is no need to drain the water at this point with a test kit, because the test results are meaningless ... no matter how this "free chlorine" can be seen.

The processing of green water of the pool Step # 3: Filtration is the key. The more effective the filter during this process,The faster the water to get rid of the new clear. The best way to ensure this happens in the backwash / clean the filter more than once a day. It can not be too backwashing of filters. If you have a DE or sand filter, set the multi-port valve in the backwash level and run for about 90 seconds, or until water is clear. This may take a little 'longer, depending on the length of time between backwashing. If you have a cartridge filter, remove the dome of the filter (usuallyThere is a band that must be removed), clean, lift the filter cartridge (s) from the control filter and thoroughly.

The processing of green water of the pool Step # 4: When the water begins to turn clear (and it is not cloudy, but blue (not green), starting the administration of a clarifier water quality This will speed up the process of crystal clear water once again commend the '.. It is also the first time when you notice the water is blue, not green, then again 12 hours later.During this process, the device continues to run unabated. During this time you should also stabilize the levels of pH and total alkalinity. I do not want to test or set of free chlorine, as is likely, will increase for several days while the water in the form is concerned, but it is important to test and adjust the pH and TA levels.

I hope you enjoy this order 4 steps to get the water as soon as possible. With this system you can turn your greenThe water of the pool within 48 hours or less!

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