Friday, September 9, 2011

A theory of Fukushima - English subtitles (Clutter HAARP and methane)

A theory of Fukushima - English subtitles (Clutter HAARP and methane) On YouTube.

Original Uploader: --- Arto Lauri thinks that this confusion is the explosion of methane: ---- In this video about HAARP: ---- Please give with information on the disaster Fukushima! Just scroll through the blog and there are many videos: --- Credit goes to the following: * Note: A single dose of 2000 mSv (200,000 millirem) and causes severe disease. See list below exposure.Half-life of some radioactive elements [NOTE:. Half-life is the time for decay of a radioactive substance is taken half] * ~ Cesium-134 Cesium-137 * 2 years ~ 30 years * Iodine-131 ~ -239 ~ 8 days * Plutonium 24200 years Ruthenium-103 * ~ 39 days [ Ruthenium is a product of fission of uranium-235.] Ruthenium-106 * ~ 374 days * Strontium-90 ~ 28.85 years [Strontium-90 is a product of nuclear fission and is found in large quantities in spent fuel and radioactive waste from nuclear reactors.] *Uranium-234 ~ 246 thousand years * uranium-235 ~ 703.8 million years * ~ 4468000000 years, uranium-238 gamma rays, alpha particles, beta particles, neutrons, uranium, plutonium fuel elements MOX fuel rods, cooling pools, collapse,, Kyodo News, a chain reaction, chlorine-38, chlorine - 37, sea water, Fukushima Daiichi today, updating the latest information, the atoms water splitting in the fault line of the Pacific, TEPCO, Tokyo Electric Power Company, GE, earthquakes, tsunami, aftershocks,...

Keywords: tepco, japan, fukushima, daiichi, haarp, nwo, new world order, illuminati, nuclear power, exposed

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