Sunday, October 2, 2011

The Best of Arnie Gundersen FUKUSHIMA interview on 6/4/11 fourth division

The Best of Arnie Gundersen FUKUSHIMA interview on 6/4/11 fourth division On YouTube.

Special thanks to rayclay2 to send the link my way! Arnie Gundersen Exclusive Interview: The dangers of Fukushima are worse and the longer we lived The Martenson Report Parts 2 interview Arnie Gundersen Think: Protect yourself if the situation worsens * Note: A single dose of 2000 mSv (200,000 millirem) and to cause serious illness. See list below exposure. Half-life of some radioactive elements [Note:Half-life is the time for half of a radioactive substance. Deadline taken] ~ * Cesium-134 Cesium-137 * 2 years ~ 30 years * Iodine-131 ~ 8 days * Plutonium-239 ~ 24200 years Ruthenium-103 * ~ 39 days [Ruthenium is a product of fission of uranium-235 .] Ruthenium-106 * ~ * ~ 374 days strontium-90 28.85 years [Strontium-90 is a product of nuclear fission and is found in large quantities from spent fuel and radioactive waste from nuclear reactors.] * Uranium Uranium- 234 -235 ~ * ~ 246000 years703800000 years * ~ 4.468 billion years, uranium-238 gamma rays, alpha particles, beta particles, neutrons, uranium, plutonium, MOX fuel assemblies, fuel rods, cooling pools, chlorine meltdown, Kyodo News, Chain Reaction, -38, chlorine-37, sea water, Fukushima Daiichi today, the latest update of information, splitting atoms in the Pacific, TEPCO, Tokyo Electric Power Company, GE, earthquakes, tsunamis , aftershocks, fault line, division, isotype Te-129, half life,Half-life, reactor ...

Keywords: japan, fukushima, daiichi, daichi, dai-ichi, fallout, radio, interviw, chris, martenson, arnie, gundersen, fairewinds, and, assoc, latest, news, on, meltdown, pacific, ocean, wind, radioactive, particles, west, coast, usa, milk, food, air, vapors, water, tokyo, electric, power, company, tepco, agenda, 21, alan, watt

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