Friday, July 1, 2011

How water filters work - 1: Ratings activated carbon filters and filter

Water filters are essentially of a substance that modifies and increases the traps pollutants in water. The substance that is in the filter medium. The filtration media for many types can be easily found, some of them work by mechanical capture pollutants with the help of an ultra-thin screen, while other types of media used to make the process of absorption. The process essentially includes the absorption of pollutants in the water within the pores of microscopicthe medium.

Water Filter Ratings

Water Filter

The rating of a filter for the water they say basically the size of removing foreign bodies from the water filter and the size will not. Water filters are usually rated in microns (one millionth of a meter) or micrometers. There are basically two types of assessments filters;

Micron Rating: This type of evaluation also indicates the smallest particle size, the filter should be removed or reduced in connection with the design criteria of the filter. ThoughThis is an estimate and not a precise value. For example, a nominal 5-micron filter should, in principle, the case for 95% of all particles 5 microns or larger.
Evaluation of the absolute filter: filter this type of assessment refers primarily to a certified rate of reduction, which is usually 99.9%. Therefore, a 5 micron filter to remove 99.9% of the fundamental particles of 5 microns or more in diameter.

Activated carbon filters

This type of filterparticularly useful in removing pollutants that create an unpleasant smell, taste and color in water. Activated charcoal in the filter is composed of various organic materials such as brown coal, wood, coconut and coal. When these materials are exposed to high temperatures in the absence of oxygen, produces a substance that contains millions of microscopic pores, a large area. About one pound of activated carbon offers more than 50 hectares, with an incredibleAbsorb the potential, the smaller organic molecules. Carbon filters have the power to quickly remove and reduce levels of chlorine byproducts, herbicides, pesticides and other industrial chemicals and organic. There are basically two forms of activated carbon used in these filters;

Granular carbon: carbon granules of about the same size of a grain of coarse sand.
Carbon Block: block is basically a carbon is finely powdered charcoal, compressed into a solidifiedMass For maximum efficiency of an activated carbon filter should be clean and free of all debris and heavy organic contaminants. This can be done with the introduction of a sediment filter as an integral part of the filter design. It 'important that the activated carbon filter cartridges should be replaced after regular intervals of time before they reach their expiration date, rather than after the expiration date has expired.

See Part 2 of this article.

How water filters work - 1: Ratings activated carbon filters and filter

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